Hi, there!
I’m Sheridan. registered dietitian Nutritionist, yoga instructor, and mom to two littles.
With a specialty in eating disorder treatment, I’ve developed a passion for equipping mamas how to nourish their babies with a Health at Every Size/Intuitive Eating Approach. Through my expertise in nutrition and personal experience with an eating disorder, I have created a variety of blog posts and tools to help you navigate this season of motherhood so that you too, can have a well nourished family.
– sheridan
Sheridan has a Bachelor’s degree in Exercise Physiology (2016), a Master’s degree in Nutrition Science (2020), and is a certified yoga instructor. Sheridan completed her 1200-hour supervised practice with Wellness Workdays in Boston, MA. Sheridan is a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist (RDN) and a Licensed Dietitian (LD) in the state of Texas. She specializes in eating disorder and disordered eating treatment, along with prenatal/infant nutrition.
After teaching yoga and fitness classes for 8 years, Sheridan decided to go back to school (in 2018) to finish the missing piece of her puzzle – nutrition. Sheridan believes that nutrition, fitness, and inner wellness all have a place in our lives where we can live in harmony between the three.
“From early adolescence into adulthood I struggled with disordered eating and an undiagnosed eating disorder.
I had body dysmorphia, chronic GI issues, difficulty concentrating, heart palpitations, extreme fatigue, hair loss, the list goes on. And yet the only solution my health care providers had for me was to continue pursuing weight loss.
My weight loss was praised. My behaviors were praised. My symptoms were masked with medications. And my confidence, worth, and identity resided in my outward appearance that was ever-changing.
There is a beautiful design for health. And any form of elimination, restriction, or compensation in the name of image and or health is not part of that design.
I have been set free from these chains and the Lord has placed it on my heart to walk alongside others seeking freedom from any form of eating disorder or body image struggle! Whether you resonate with any part of this story or not, I want you to know that you are deeply welcome here. You don’t have to change to follow along.
Although it’s never too late to find freedom, there is a beautiful way to encourage a healthy relationship with food and body at an early age. Our children only know what they observe and are taught.
So let’s honor the bodies we’ve been given and raise children who know how to honor, cherish, and respect the body they were born into!”
-Sheridan Glaske